Looking At Some Of CinemaSins' And My Criticism Of Star Wars: Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi
I won't mention obvious stuff. Here is CS' video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deMGCdOZS-Y 32 - Luke could've used the Force to push the button. 40 - A better way would've been for Luke to use the Force to untie a rope that bound his hands. This could have occurred when Luke was on the end of that plank (that 1 bandit wouldn't need to be close behind Luke when Luke was bound). Luke could then use the Force to crush the windpipes of the bandits (he was able to do that quickly to 2 Gammoreans) Lando could help. 45 - Boba should've stayed on the Sail Barge (he would’ve known how much of a threat that Jedi were) and fired from there. Boba could've launched a rocket at the skiff before the last bandit there got taken out. That would be cool. Luke could Force Push the rocket away. If Boba had stayed on the Sail Barge, he could've been the 1 to hit Luke's hand. Realistically, the skiff should've had a mounted laser gun on it. Skiffs do in the game E...