
Looking At Some Of CinemaSins' And My Criticism Of Star Wars: Episode VI - Return Of The Jedi

I won't mention obvious stuff. Here is CS' video: 32 -  Luke could've used the Force to push the button. 40 - A better way would've been for Luke to use the Force to untie a rope that bound his hands. This could have occurred when Luke was on the end of that plank (that 1 bandit wouldn't need to be close behind Luke when Luke was bound). Luke could then use the Force to crush the windpipes of the bandits (he was able to do that quickly to 2 Gammoreans) Lando could help. 45 - Boba should've stayed on the Sail Barge (he would’ve known how much of a threat that Jedi were) and fired from there. Boba could've launched a rocket at the skiff before the last bandit there got taken out. That would be cool. Luke could Force Push the rocket away. If Boba had stayed on the Sail Barge, he could've been the 1 to hit Luke's hand. Realistically, the skiff should've had a mounted laser gun on it. Skiffs do in the game E

Looking At CinemaSins' And My Criticism Of Star Wars: Episode V - The Empire Strikes Back 6 - The probe droid could've detected Luke’s radio signal from orbit if he checked in on his patrol. A probe droid could be shown above the atmosphere, detecting a radio signal. 12 - The opening text said the Rebels were on the run across the galaxy. So, as Han mentioned 'we', the Rebels made a stop on Ord Mantell. 13 - A bounty hunter could pose as a Rebel. The Rebels were recruiting, so Rebels could show up on Hoth. Han could contact Jabba from Tatooine’s orbit and flee if attacked/he couldn’t take out the attacking craft. 17 - Maybe as the Wampa was holding Luke up, the saber hilt swung, and the Wampa swatted it off with its claws. The Wampa might've viewed the movement as a potential threat. The lightsaber probably would've been sticking deeper into the snow though. 22 - When a person is close to hypothermia, a person can dream of being warm. If Luke was imagining being warm in a dream, that could've warmed him up

Looking At CinemaSins' And My Criticism Of Star Wars: Episode IV - A New Hope 10 - A better way would've been for the Star Destroyer guns to miss the escape pod. Multiple empty pods could've been jettisoned by Leia, so that the imperials couldn’t hit all the pods. The beast that CS mentioned in sin 16-17, was too slow to catch things. If that Lambda shuttle that we saw came from that Star Destroyer, it likely wouldn't have had that beast on it. So George Lucas probably imagined that the shuttle came from a Tatooine settlement. It would've been more realistic to send a Lambda from that Star Destroyer (I read Vader had a shuttle for himself) if there wasn't an imperial presence close by. That would've ensured that a Lambda arrived quickly behind the slow droids. 19 - It would've been better if tracks from the droids led the trooper to presume that droids had left the pod. (no life forms were detected on the pod) 24 - That red astromech broke down because R2 sabotaged it. That was revealed in t

Looking At CinemaSins' And My Criticism Of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith 15 - It called him a droid in the opening text but he was a cyborg. 45 - Anakin had been off fighting before that space battle. It shows that shortly after that part of the movie. 58 - Yoda might've been respecting Anakin's privacy. The dark side was clouding everything. 63 - His legs were above the cushion. 66 - Perhaps the office was periodically scanned by security personnel for bugs. There was a war going on. Anakin also met Palpatine outside his office sometimes. 96 - Those were droids. 143 - Perhaps Palpatine wanted Obi-Wan to go confront Anakin. Palpatine could've been guided by the Force to do that. Since Obi-Wan went after Anakin, Palpatine was able to face Yoda alone. 179 - Anakin told her that she would die in childbirth. She might've been worried about that possibility. 190 - The funeral scene at least partially existed to show that she was made to look like she was still pregnant, so the emperor wouldn’t know abou

Looking At CinemaSins' And My Criticism Of Star Wars: Episode II - Attack Of The Clones 32 - The probe could probably turn itself off to make Obi-Wan fall. 54 - Anakin might've seen her other face. He might know what a shapeshifting species' face looks like. 55 - Jedi could know that that shape shifting race was immune to the Force if they are. We saw that with Watto's species. Or they could've known/sensed that she was a strong willed individual. 83 - Only Jedi have access to the Jedi archives. Dooku did that before he left the Jedi order. 119 - Obi-Wan knew that he was looking for a bounty hunter, who might try to flee from a Jedi in a ship or a speeder. 144 - The dark side was clouding a lot. 150 - Some of the female Tuskens may've screamed, or gave a warrior cry. 186 - Animals can have strong urges i.e. if they were starved they would be very hungry. Jedi can't use mind control on strong willed individuals. 204 - Machines, Geonosians and Wookie slaves helped construct the Death Star. 216 - Perhaps Pa

Looking At CinemaSins' Criticism Of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace 189 - Anakin could've offered them a drink or a snack. Anakin could've wanted to hear stories of other planets. Qui-Gon could've been guided to go with him. That would've been more believable than a sandstorm occurring then.