Looking At CinemaSins' Criticism Of Star Wars: Episode II


32 - The probe could probably turn itself off to make Obi-Wan fall.

54 - Anakin might've seen her other face. He might know what a shapeshifting species' face looks like.

55 - Jedi could know that shape shifting race was immune to the Force if they were. Or they could've known/sensed that she was a strong willed individual.

83 - Only Jedi have access to the Jedi archives. Dooku did that before he left the Jedi order.

150 - A female Tusken may've made a warrior cry.

186 - Animals can have strong urges. If they were starved they would be very hungry. Jedi can't use mind control on strong willed individuals.

204 - Machines, Geonosians and Wookie slaves helped construct the Death Star.

216 - Perhaps Palpatine had a plan to leak information about the droids on Geonosis. i.e. He could say something like 'someone from the Techno Union contacted the Republic about the plans of the Separatists'. The Techno Union is mentioned in this movie. It could be imagined that there was 1 good person in the Techno Union that didn't want a huge war that would kill millions.


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