Looking At CinemaSins' And My Criticism Of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith


15 - He was a cyborg. It called him a droid in the opening text. That was a bad call.

45 - Anakin had been off fighting before that space battle. It shows that shortly after that part of the movie.

47 - Yoda mentioned that the Dark side was 'clouding everything' in the previous movie. That could hide that pregnancy from a distance. The babies in Padme's womb would have a stronger Force signature than other beings due to their strong midichlorian count. Since there were 2 of them, that should also make them easier to detect. Mace Windu was shown walking, not far from where Padme was. He maybe should’ve been able to detect that those babies shared something in common with Anakin.

58 - Jedi can shield their mind, so that it can't be read. Anakin's face was serious, which may have hinted that he was focused on shielding his mind. Yoda might've been respecting Anakin's privacy at that moment/not trying to read Anakin's mind.

60 - Anakin could've heard this memory of Yoda's voice 'let go of everything you fear to lose.' A flashback of Yoda saying that in a room in the Jedi temple could've occurred. The camera could've been focused on Yoda, as he was saying it.

63 - His legs were above the level of the cushion.

66 - Perhaps the office was periodically scanned by security personnel for bugs. There was a war going on. The CIS would want intel. Also, Anakin met with Palpatine outside his office sometimes.

79 - That is a presumption that Darth Plagueis created Anakin. If Darth Plagueis created Anakin, he could've known where Anakin was. Shmi was a slave before she became pregnant with Anakin. Making someone grow up as a slave could lead them to the dark side. Plagueis could've paid someone to watch Anakin. Darth Plagueis didn't create Anakin.

89 - Although it would've been better for Obi-Wan not to ride that, Obi-Wan could've known how to ride it via guidance from the Force.

96 - Those were droids.

143 - Perhaps Palpatine wanted Obi-Wan to go confront Anakin. Palpatine could've been guided by the Force to do that. Since Obi-Wan went after Anakin, Palpatine was able to face Yoda alone.

177 - That was the species on that asteroid. It didn’t show that they went to that asteroid?

179 - Anakin told her that she would die in childbirth. At that point, she might've been worried about that possibility. So she could’ve told Obi-Wan the names for that reason.

190 - The funeral scene at least partially existed to show that she was made to look like she was still pregnant, so the emperor wouldn’t know about the kids.


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