Looking At CinemaSins' And My Criticism Of Star Wars: Episode III - Revenge Of The Sith


15 - It called him a droid in the opening text but he was a cyborg.

45 - Anakin had been off fighting before that space battle. It shows that shortly after that part of the movie.

58 - Yoda might've been respecting Anakin's privacy. The dark side was clouding everything.

63 - His legs were above the cushion.

66 - Perhaps the office was periodically scanned by security personnel for bugs. There was a war going on. Anakin also met Palpatine outside his office sometimes.

96 - Those were droids.

143 - Perhaps Palpatine wanted Obi-Wan to go confront Anakin. Palpatine could've been guided by the Force to do that. Since Obi-Wan went after Anakin, Palpatine was able to face Yoda alone.

179 - Anakin told her that she would die in childbirth. She might've been worried about that possibility.

190 - The funeral scene at least partially existed to show that she was made to look like she was still pregnant, so the emperor wouldn’t know about the kids.


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