Looking At CinemaSins' And My Criticism Of Star Wars: Episode VI

I won't mention obvious stuff. Here is CS' video: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=deMGCdOZS-Y

32 -  Luke could've used the Force to push the button. (even if it was a wide area that was pushed)

40 - A better way would've been for Luke to use the Force to untie a rope that bound his hands. This could have occurred when Luke was on the end of that plank. (that 1 bandit wouldn't need to be close behind Luke when Luke was bound) Luke could then use the Force to crush the windpipes of the bandits. (he was able to do that quickly to 2 Gammoreans) Lando could help.

65 - One of the beings who was wearing purple bowed to the emperor.

71 - Tall trees and minerals in the area could interfere with a radio signal. Those troopers could've known that their radios didn't work in that area.

79 - Luke could've sensed Leia's hair/DNA/partial presence on that helmet.

80 - A better way could’ve been for R2 to mention that the trees and minerals in the area interfered with R2's sensors.

66 and 105 - The way for the Rebels to get past the guarding imperial ships in the orbit of Endor, would be with a stolen imperial ship. Palpatine could've ordered an imperial officer to pretend to defect to the Rebels. That imperial officer could take a Lambda shuttle with him.

111 - Perhaps the imperials wanted to interrogate those Rebels for information. i.e. To find out who was giving financial donations to the Rebellion.

130 - The spot where Han first placed his hand on Leia was still burning, so it was natural for Han to do that.

143 - Vader’s time was running out. He received guidance there to turn into a ghost. There probably wasn't time for Vader to learn how to get rid of his physical body. Perhaps Vader left his body so Luke could have closure.

152 - Some people take pride in their white or gray hair for all the sacrifice/suffering they managed to put up with.


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