Looking At CinemaSins' Criticism Of Star Wars: Episode I - The Phantom Menace


13 - Neimodians can kill each other when it comes to money or business partners. A lower ranking Neimodian could pay a higher 1 on that ship to kill the lower ranking one's superior, so that he could take its place.

140 - It would sound weird to call the people of Naboo, 'Nabooians'. The Gungans are a separate cultural group. The Gungans might not call that planet Naboo. They might call the people on that planet 'The Naboo'. This reminds me how North Americans used to call the Netherlands, 'Holland', even though Holland was just 1 part of the Netherlands.

189 - Qui-Gon could've been guided to let Anakin hang around them. A better way for the story would've been for Anakin to offer them a meal. Anakin could've wanted to hear stories of other planets. Qui-Gon could've been guided to go with him. That would've been more believable than a sandstorm occurring then.

196 - In the race, we saw that Anakin was in a cave that required sharp reflexes.

200 - Obi-Wan ensured the ship was protected. They could have known that Sand People existed there. It appeared like they had a file on the place.

207 - Jabba could've had radar. He might not have cared that some small ship landed out in the desert. The good guy's radar might've been off, since the ship was turned off. Perhaps Maul's ship was too far away from the good guy's ship. Tatooine had many evil individuals. So the dark side could’ve been stronger there, hiding Maul’s presence. Maul could’ve cloaked his presence. Palpatine could.

212 - The beings of that settlement could've thought that that was probably surveillance being done by the Hutts who ruled there. That probe would've cost some good money. Hence, it could be presumed that the Hutts owned it.


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